Thursday, April 26, 2012


I feel like there’s nobody I can trust. The world feels cold and unuseful everybody gone and it’s just me alone. Trying to find a way to get out this cold and dark place. They just don’t understand me they think I’m different. But I think I’m just the same just different in many ways. They treat me like trash and I treat them with respect. I guess I’m going to have to change not for others but for the best of myself.

I still can’t find a way out this cold and lonely dark place.
Trying to call for help but my words wouldn’t even come out.
It felt like being in a basement for two months and nobody coming to save me.
Thinking is there just one person who’s going to care.
I can and then I can’t say sorry for all the wrong I done.
But what I can say is I’m sorry for not bring there for you and for not explaining how much you mean to me. I just don’t want to lose another loved one that means the world to me. I want to be able to trust you but you have to be willing to change your ways and actions first.
I’m just trying to make everything ok between us. I don’t know about you but is just doesn’t seem right when we are like this.